Brokenesses Blessing
9:48 AMHe who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed. (Matt 21:44 NKJV)
Ok as promised the Broken Indicators…let’s fall on the stone Jesus so we won’t be crushed (in one translation says crushed into powder!) which is what happens to the proud.
- Overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need
- Compassionate; can forgive much because they know how much they have been forgiven
- Reverence, encourage, and lift up those that God has placed in positions of authority and talk to God about the faults they see
- Esteem all others better than themselves
- Have a dependent spirit; recognize their need for others
- Willing to yield the right to be right
- Yield their rights; have a meek spirit
- Self-denying
- Motivated to serve others
- Motivated to be faithful and to make others a success
- Heart attitude is, “I don’t deserve to have a part in any ministry”; know that they have nothing to offer God except the life of Jesus flowing through their broken lives
- Desire to promote others
- Have a sense of their own unworthiness; thrilled that God would use them at all
- Eager for others to get the credit; rejoice when others are lifted up
- Know praise belongs to the Lord and criticism can help them grow into spiritual maturity
- Humbled by how very much they have to learn
- Not concerned with self at all
- Concerned with being real; what matters is not what others think but what God knows; are willing to die to their own reputation
- Can recognize and live within God-given limitations
- Willing to risk getting close to others and to take risks of loving intimately
- Accept personal responsibility and can see where they are wrong in a situation
- Take the initiative to be reconciled when there is a misunderstanding or conflict in relationships; they race to the cross; they see if they can get there first, no matter how wrong the other may have been
- Receive criticism with a humble open spirit
- Willing to be open and transparent with others as God directs
- Trust in God; rest in Him and are able to wait for Him to act on their behalf
- Give thanks in all things; they are quick to forgive those who wrong them
- Once broken, don’t care who knows or who finds out; are willing to be exposed because they have nothing to lose
- Quick to admit failure and to seek forgiveness when necessary
- Able to acknowledge specifics when confessing their sin
- Grieved over the cause, the root of their sin
- Truly, genuinely repentant over their sin, evidenced in the fact that they forsake that sin
- Walk in the light
- Compare themselves to the holiness of God and feel a desperate need for His mercy
- Realize they have need of a continual heart attitude of repentance
- Continually sense their need for a fresh encounter with God and for a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit
© Revive Our Hearts
Used by permission of Revive Our Hearts
P. O. Box 31
Buchanan, MI 49107